воскресенье, 16 мая 2010 г.

Germany Unbound?

I have just listened to an interview called: “Germany Unbound?” AS we all know problem of euro zone is becoming crucial now. Greece’s economy is falling, they’re facing really strong crisis. But after a few forums European soviet decided to give Greece 110bil. $ help. For example Germany is giving 26bil$. But after Greece Italy and Spain (one of the biggest European economy) can also face economic crisis. And experts say that a special fund which will be created (750bil$) won’t help them, as euro is falling sharply.
And now let’s think about information gained from this interview.
Steave Ewards was talking with Gastaph Horn from Dusseldorf university. He asked Gastaph if the crisis with Greece reveal German economic nationalism?
German tabloid newspapers have insulted Greeks with raw language about fraud and laziness.
Very important question which they are discussing is of weaker countries should leave the Euro Zone.
And the pain of the Celtic Tiger. Stephanie Flanders reports from Ireland as the country copes with the collapse of its rate of growth and its confidence in itself.
Unfortunately this interview was very difficult for me to understand, that's why some points can be missed. To tell the truth, sometimes it wasn’t enough for the complete understanding. But I liked it, as i was listing for so called "german english" for the first time. But i want to point out one very important aspect, it's becoming easier for me to understand business vocabulary.

понедельник, 5 апреля 2010 г.

Is the Euro Busted Flush

To be honored and interview called “Is the Euro Busted Flush” was very grave. But I will try to recount all the aspects mentioned in it. Information gained from this interview is very useful as it shows is up-today picture. And because of it I’m able to understand what is going on in euro zone.

Steave Ewards asks Leashik Basherovich, who is a chief economist of Poland bank and he was a prime-minister (Polish’ shock therapy) if it was time for Germany and France to cut weak economies loose from the Euro? Or whether the row over who pays for Greece's problems showed that the Euro Zone was unsustainable? As Leashik said 2 types of economies exist in euro zone : strong(France, Germany) and week( Greece) and they will always have different troubles and they will try to solve different problems. Also poorer countries want their rich neighbours to help them. And he said that even if Greece half it’s payments it won’t leave economical crisis.

Also Professor Balcherovich was asked about credit cards for kids or kwedit cards, as they're called. Is it a good idea? And he told us all the minuses and that is impossible right now.

I liked this information very much, but undoubtedly it was the hardest material for understanding in my blog so far. Only now i understood how important it’s to listen native speakers’ speech.

воскресенье, 28 марта 2010 г.

The euro. Economics or Politics.

An interview i have just listened is called "The euro : politics before economics". Stave Edwardsif i understood it currentky asked a few interesting questions. As we know, euro zone consists of sixteen counteries which the same currency.
Should Greece and Germany, for example, have the same currency? Taking into account the fact that they have so different economies. For example he tells us about dollas zone, as like US. And he points the fact that states like Alabama and California also have different economies, but they exist pretty smoothly together.
To get some more illumination speaker asks Steaven Belleys( chief economist of GFC investment; worked in Deutche Bank) a few questions, suck as: What does a common currency area like the euro zone function smootly and when does it have problems? The US has a common currency. How do differences thrtr get ironed out?
He tells us that small countries like Spain and Greece have the same problems. And all common currency areas can have problems because of different recessions, development etc. rates.

This statue was very hard for me to understand. And i have listened most of it's parts for 2 or even 3 times. And nearly 50% of words were unknown to me. Now i know that main problem of my english - lack of vocabulary. I will try to dissmiss it.

понедельник, 22 марта 2010 г.

Euro Optimism

So, i have just listened to audio broadcast "Euro optimism". As i uderstood the leaders of Europe said that they have agreed a plan to elp Greece overcome its deep financialcrisis and safeguard Europe's embattled common currency, the euro. But how this will be done is still unknown.

Lesley Curwen asks Romano Prodi(2 times served as Italy's Prime Minister, and was President of the European Commission in 1999-204) how worried Europe should be. He also declines the idea that euro might collapse. And he says that Europe will be able to help Greece, without needing any money supply from the International Monetary Fund.

Also, we heard Gordon Guthrie as he is about to start his latest internet venture.
And milatary economist Professor Ron Smith of Birkbeck CollegeLondon explains why some countries might want to take the radical step of destroying their armies.

To sum up, I would like to say, that Euro Zone is not going to "leave Greece alone" in such a difficult situation. Of course we know what is going on there. But i hope that everything will normalize and financial crisis will be over.

It was quite difficult for me to understand everything what they weresaying, that's why i had to stop and translate some words or even listen to it again. Unfortunately, each person has hs or her own accent that's why the pronunciations of some people were incomprehansible.