To be honored and interview called “Is the Euro Busted Flush” was very grave. But I will try to recount all the aspects mentioned in it. Information gained from this interview is very useful as it shows is up-today picture. And because of it I’m able to understand what is going on in euro zone.
Steave Ewards asks Leashik Basherovich, who is a chief economist of Poland bank and he was a prime-minister (Polish’ shock therapy) if it was time for Germany and France to cut weak economies loose from the Euro? Or whether the row over who pays for Greece's problems showed that the Euro Zone was unsustainable? As Leashik said 2 types of economies exist in euro zone : strong(France, Germany) and week( Greece) and they will always have different troubles and they will try to solve different problems. Also poorer countries want their rich neighbours to help them. And he said that even if Greece half it’s payments it won’t leave economical crisis.
Also Professor Balcherovich was asked about credit cards for kids or kwedit cards, as they're called. Is it a good idea? And he told us all the minuses and that is impossible right now.
I liked this information very much, but undoubtedly it was the hardest material for understanding in my blog so far. Only now i understood how important it’s to listen native speakers’ speech.