понедельник, 22 марта 2010 г.

Euro Optimism

So, i have just listened to audio broadcast "Euro optimism". As i uderstood the leaders of Europe said that they have agreed a plan to elp Greece overcome its deep financialcrisis and safeguard Europe's embattled common currency, the euro. But how this will be done is still unknown.

Lesley Curwen asks Romano Prodi(2 times served as Italy's Prime Minister, and was President of the European Commission in 1999-204) how worried Europe should be. He also declines the idea that euro might collapse. And he says that Europe will be able to help Greece, without needing any money supply from the International Monetary Fund.

Also, we heard Gordon Guthrie as he is about to start his latest internet venture.
And milatary economist Professor Ron Smith of Birkbeck CollegeLondon explains why some countries might want to take the radical step of destroying their armies.

To sum up, I would like to say, that Euro Zone is not going to "leave Greece alone" in such a difficult situation. Of course we know what is going on there. But i hope that everything will normalize and financial crisis will be over.

It was quite difficult for me to understand everything what they weresaying, that's why i had to stop and translate some words or even listen to it again. Unfortunately, each person has hs or her own accent that's why the pronunciations of some people were incomprehansible.

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